Our Mission & Goals

Paterson Education Fund (PEF) is a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to stimulate community action for change so that the Paterson Public Schools ensure that all Paterson children achieve high standards.

PEF’s Goals are:

  • To build our community’s civic capacity to support, monitor, and advocate education reform.

  • To educate and enable community leadership to understand and act on changing education needs.

  • To provide a forum for the community to effectively participate in the decision-making processes concerning education.

Founded in 1983, PEF’s activities build and nourish a constituency for systematic school reform by educating the community on the importance of high standards and expectations in providing quality education for all children. PEF convenes and brokers relationships between the Paterson school district and private sector entities interested in public education in Paterson.

Linda Reid, Program Manager

Meet the Team

Rosie Grant, Executive Director

Mary Anne Fanning, Project Director-21st CCLC

Annette Wignall, Office Manager

Brenda Ramos, Program Director

PEF Board of Directors

Perry Lighty, Valley Bank, President

Errol Kerr, Community Leader, Treasurer

Melissa Baralt, Ph.D., Berkeley College, Secretary

Dwayne A. Cox, Educator, Community Leader

Xiania Foster, Bank St College of Education, Higher Education and Early Literacy Consultant

Ramon Pagan PhD., Community Leader

Dr. Laurie Newell, Superintendent [Ex-officio]

Paterson Pubic Schools Board of Education

The Paterson Board of Education is the governing body of Paterson Public Schools. As of January 6, 2021, The N.J. Board of Education restored control of the Paterson Public Schools solely to the Paterson Board of Education after nearly 30 years of state control. The decision brought the voices of Paterson families and other residents back into the decision-making process on matters that affect the education of Paterson's children and their families. 

For more information on the Paterson Public Schools District, please click on their link here: www.paterson.k12.nj.us